The majority of natural hookah charcoals are made of coconut husk, but some coals are made from bamboo, orange wood, and lemonwood. Natural coals have a more incredible burn time, have less of a negative impact on the flavor of your Herbal Shisha, and are made from raw materials.

It is typically more pleasant to smoke with them, and they have many other advantages.

  • They burn for a much more extended time (about 45-60 minutes per coal due to the lack of accelerants).
  • Their constant temperature provides even heat throughout the session instead of fast-sparking coals.
  • By using fewer coals per session, you’ll save money in the long run.
  • These coals have a less intrusive flavor because they contain mostly natural ingredients. They are the best choice if you don’t want them to alter the taste of your shisha.
  • It is less messy to burn natural coal because its ash is less powdery (due to its density).
  • You can select the size and shape of natural coals depending on your smoking preferences, as they come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
  • Heat management devices are recommended for use with natural coals.

Read more about: How To Shop The Right Hookah For You?

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