Each type of cable has its advantages and characteristics. Depending on the application, there is no “right” or “wrong” answer. Instead, they are complementary in many ways.

As our world becomes increasingly reliant on more bandwidth and aerial fiber cable prices fall, our professionals are beginning to pay greater attention to it. If you decide to use fiber cable over copper, you should know a few benefits to it.

Figure 8 Cable (GYXTC8S/A)
  1. Fiber Supports Very High Bandwidth Levels

Fiber optic cable provides a higher data bandwidth than copper cable of a similar diameter. Whatever new fiber-optic technologies are introducing to the market for transceivers or other electronics, the benefits of fiber include the fact that the cable doesn’t limit its performance.

  1. Fiber is Inherently Secure

It is challenging to intercept data transmission through a fiber cable because it contains individual fiber strands. However, by cutting into the fiber strands at the end of the thread, it is possible.

  1. Fiber is Intrinsically Safe

Data is transferring via light instead of electricity, so the benefits of fiber include the fact that it’s very safe to handle.

However, fiber cables do not produce electromagnetic interference (EMI). They aren’t affected by EMI either. You can use them right next to industrial equipment without a problem.

Please find out how fibers can benefit your next project by contacting a fiber cable wholesale expert or visiting our website.

By Admin

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