Summary: In the following press release, you will learn the basic requirements for Rubber Dock Fender.

Rubber fenders are suitable for many types of docks and have the advantages of low reaction force in ship collisions, long service life, and simple installation.

However, it is challenging to select in the design and selection process due to the varied sorts and forms. To select the right Rubber Dock Fender, we must consider all relevant factors, like ship type, force, and economics.

The rubber fender system used primarily needs to satisfy the following prerequisites:

1.    The energy absorption of the rubber fender system chosen is greater than the effective impact energy of the ship
2.    The reaction force of the rubber fender system should be less than that permitted by the ship’s berth building
3.    Rubber fenders should have a surface pressure lower than the surface pressure permitted by the ship panel (by adjusting the panel size)
4.    When the ship is berth diagonally, the ship will compress the rubber fender diagonally, decreasing the surface
5.    Rubber fender systems should be simple to install, use, and maintain
6.    Rubber fender systems should be able to adapt to unusual berthing and challenging situations with high temperatures, strong winds, and significant waves.
7.    By all means the rubber fender system should be high-performance, affordable, maintenance-free, or low-maintenance; in other words, the fender system with the lowest cost is the best in terms of investment, use, and maintenance.

Visit to find a dock rubber fender and take advantage of a product with high tensile strength and durability. Some kinds are easily stretch and reshaped and do not tear easily.

Some of them are even intend for use in military applications and rocket science. The consumer can pick colors to create a product that looks well and performs well.

If you require rubber fenders, is a reputable provider. You may reach us on our website directly for more information on Anchor Marine Fenders & Tug Boat Rubber Fender.

Cell Rubber Fender | Cylinder Rubber Fender | Rubber Fender | D Fender Rubber | Pneumatic Rubber Fender | Marine Rubber Fenders | Cone Rubber Fender | Rubber Dock Fender | Boat Fenders

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