Metals, glass, and pigment are keep in crucibles, containers that can endure extremely high temperatures until they are ready to be melt in a furnace. Crucibles use in laboratories are make to resist the comparatively high temperatures involve in metal casting studies.

Essentially, the crucible should be construct from materials whose melting points are considerably higher than those of the components to be melt. In addition, the materials for the crucible should be strong enough to withstand intense heat.

Crucibles are an essential piece of laboratory equipment but also pricey. When your experiments are finish, you need to know how to maintain crucibles so they may be reuse properly. This should be do without harming the crucible’s surface.

Usage Tips

  1. Never put cold metal (like aluminum) in the crucible since it will expand and break the vessel.

2. Before usage, the crucible needs to be “tempered.” The empty crucible is heat to a temperature of roughly 500 degrees Fahrenheit and maintain there for 20 minutes; after that, it is heats to red heat and stopped heating; it is then allows to cool gently, which removes any moisture in the crucible.

3. Before each application, crucibles must undergo a proper fracture detection test. If the crucible develops fractures, get new ones to replace the damaged ones.

We want to suggest that you visit for further information if you are interest in learning more about Ceramic Ball or Crucible.

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